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Advent of Code (all years)

The years 2022 through 2015 in order, with "50*" written next to each in gold text, and followed by the text "Total Stars: 400*"

Advent of Code is a yearly Advent calendar of programming challenges, each with two parts, that's been running since 2015. I solved all 200 (so far) programming puzzles using Python, without any third-party libraries, and a dash of shell scripting for infrastructure. This project includes the 200 puzzle solutions themselves, as well as a personal utility function library for faster solving, and infrastructure to automate the start of each puzzle.


Public Document 43+ Validator

A screenshot of the homepage for Public Document 43+. On the left is an orange book titled "Massachusetts Election Statistics". At the top is the heading "Every election at your fingertips", and below it is a search box allowing the user to search for elections, ballot questions, or candidates in Massachusetts elections, and limit their search to particular years, offices, or election stages.

A project to validate the election result data provided by Massachusetts online through the website Public Document 43+, or PD43+ for short. I implemented a web scraper to collect data from the website, transformed it into a more useful representation, and analyzed it for inconsistencies. I've also contacted the department of the state government responsible for PD43+ with my findings.


Personal Website 1.0

A black circle with a solarized yellow interior, containing the text s.d in large black Inter font at its center.

This website, developed in handwritten HTML, CSS, and JS, and deployed with GitLab Pages. I have plans to rework the architecture in the future, but my current website is outlined here.